Fundamentals of Benefit Realization

This title provides a practical guide to benefit realization for all those who are responsible for change - Directors, Senior Responsible Owners (SROs), Programme Managers, Change Managers, Project Managers, Benefit Facilitators, P3O, PMO and PSO Managers.

It shows how the author's proven approach to Benefits Realization Management (BRM) can be applied to programmes running under Managing Successful Programmes (MSP).

Key features:

  • To identify the issues faced by readers, whether they are Senior Managers or practitioners and make them aware of the value, scope and centrality of BRM in addressing many of these issues
  • To lay the foundations for effective benefit realisation introducing the required mindset changes
  • To describe the most conducive environment for effective benefit realisation - culture, organisation, governance, roles and responsibilities
  • To consider the application of BRM to a transformational or other significant change, describing the steps and introducing practical tools and techniques
  • To identify interfaces with BRM at portfolio, programme and project level
  • To consider several specific but common challenges such as: the drive to give all or most financial values benefits; portfolio management; and the process for embedding BRM within an organisation.

  • Cena bez DPH: €36,00
    Cena s DPH: €43,20
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Fundamentals of Benefit Realization

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