PRINCE2 Communication Management Strategy

What is this?

The Communication Management Strategy is an important part of the PID that defines how project communications will be handled.  It covers communication to all stakeholders, whether they are part of the project team or not, or even external to the customer or supplier organizations.
Why it’s useful?

This is a Premium template as defined by the PRINCE2 Project Management methodology.Whilst you can find this template in Appendix A of an official PRINCE2 manual, of course you may not have purchased a manual, or you may just prefer to have an electronic version of it.

How to use it?
This is a ‘vanilla’ template that accompanies the PRINCE2 methodology and is used as the basis for PRINCE2 exams.

Whilst you can use it in its vanilla format we recommend that you think about tailoring it (as suggested by the method itself) bearing in mind the following:

  • Industry / organizational specific terminology
  • Size / complexity of project
  • If the project is part of a programme
  • Any existing templates in your organization

The PID (and all of its composite documents) is written during the Initiating a Project Process by the Project Manager.  It may be updated during the Managing a Stage Boundary Process, particulerly if new stakeholders are identified, such as new suppliers for a particular project stage.

  • Cena bez DPH: €115,00
    Cena s DPH: €141,45
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PRINCE2 Communication Management Strategy

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